Sunday 31 January 2010

homestead memories

I’ve been a slack blogger. And I do apologise. Sometimes life gets a bit crazy. And I get a bit too obsessed with crocheting and other crafting. One day I’ll show you photos of all the goodies I’m learning to make. I think you’ll be impressed.

But anyway. I wanted to share with you some photos from Australia Day.

Traditionally, our family goes out to Tin Can Bay for Australia Day. This year, we decided on something different – a little closer to home and a little less driving. We tripped out to the Kenilworth Homestead. It’s a pretty nostalgic place for us. I spent a part of my childhood years out there.. I even started school out there!  My dad worked there.. and we lived there. He helped to run school camps out there.. and chances are if you were on a camp out there in the early 90’s, my dad cooked for you, took you on a hay-ride through piles of cow poo, taught you to bush-dance… heck, he may have even put on a costume and pretended to be a bushranger for you! And if you’ve been out there anytime since then, and had a swim in the river, chances are you’ve had a go on the awesome waterslide that he designed and built! We haven’t been there for yonks, and I couldn’t believe the barrage of memories that flooded back poking around out there.

S7306102 S7306087Isn’t it pretty???

The thing that surprised me most was my old school. I SWEAR it has SHRUNK! Big time. It’s not a school anymore, it’s a storage shed. When I went there, there were twenty or less students at any one time, we wore pioneer period-inspired uniforms, and ranged from preschool to year 12. We even had a 20-odd year old mature-aged student! We all sat in one big schoolroom, and worked independently from ACE homeschool books. It’s no wonder I once got detention for pulling apart an eraser, and writing my name under the desk while I was bored. I was only four years old for goodness sake! I did learn to read there though, and was capable of independently reading Enid Blighton chapter books before I was five. 

But anyway….. how’s this: Then & Now:


(I’m second from the front)


I told you it had shrunk!!!!


  1. Oh wow, what a great step back in time that must have been for you. It sounds like a unique school and what great memories you must have!

  2. How fun! I had no idea you were from there Zoey!!

    School has definitely shrunk!

  3. You must live not far from me!
    My primary school shrunk too. Funny how they do that. :)


Thank you!!


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