Monday 12 March 2012

A Peek At My Week

My Photo Stream12

Another week down, and here’s your resident broken record here to say, “Boy did it go fast!!!”


We had a bit of excitement to begin the week, waking up to a very intense rain storm. The rain was blowing in sideways in sheets, and there was so much of it! Peter wasn’t supposed to work but got called in because all of his colleagues were flooded out. He went to work for the day, and ended up with only four kids… one of whom was Mayana and one was his assistant’s son!

I got to work fine. Only about 30 kids turned up, although most of the staff were there. By about 10am kids and teachers from various parts of town had been told to go home, or they would be spending the night at school. There ended up only being 3 left in my department, and probably less than 20 people in the whole school. For the most part though the worst was over. Of course the bridges stayed flooded for ages because of the impact of the tides, and the water coming in from upstream. Some parts of town were without power for 30 hours! Fun times indeed.

School last week was a bit of a whirlwind.. what with our muddled up Monday, and a trip to Gladstone to visit families on Friday, it felt like it was over before it began! The Gladstone day was huge.. we arrived at school at 5.30am and didn’t get home until well after 7pm. Then Peter and I did another hour-and-a-half of driving to spend a weekend at ‘home’. Pete and my dad had a man-date with ‘the block’ (we hardly saw the boys all weekend), and Mayana and I enjoyed hanging out with Mum and my sister. Have a look at that to-die-for hot chocolate up there. It came with lovely hot milk and this massive hunk of the most delectable Belgian style chocolate I’ve ever tasted. The idea was to stir it around in the hot milk to make it into hot chocolate. My word. Seriously amazing, I’m totally drooling just thinking about it!

It was lovely to have a weekend with the family. Poor Mayana’s weekend was a bit spoiled when she got a gross tummy bug on Sunday and puked all over the tables at Jamaica Blue where we were coffee-ing after church. Oh it was gross, and a pregnant Mama is NOT the one to be able to deal with things like that. Luckily, my sister nurse-in-training Alexie was there and she took it all in her stride and had my poor little honey cleaned up before we knew it.

She was fine by the time we got home, and today you wouldn’t even know anything had been wrong with her!

Pregnancy-wise the 31st week has slipped by reasonably uneventfully. I’ve had plenty of people starting to ask me, “Oh it mustn’t be long now!!!”. I reply, “About 8 or so weeks”, and they wince and say, “Oh you poor thing.”

So I must be looking fairly hugungous. I know I feel it. I like it though because the less room the baby has the more I can feel his movements, and the easier it is for Peter and Mayana and whoever else is there at the time to feel them too. And he moves a LOT!

I must admit after an hour long online class with my grade 1 and 2 students, and 3 Prep library classes (my only on-campus classes of the week) and a bus duty on Thursday, I was pretty much dead and beginning to wonder if I was completely insane to be coming back after the holidays, even if it is only for five days! I’m incredibly glad and blessed that I am a Distance Education teacher at the moment, because I know for sure that I would not be able to work until two weeks before my due date if I was in the classroom!

I’ve been experiencing a greater amount of heartburn, and a much smaller amount of sleep (and often the two are linked). Last night I had a bout of what was either very horrific gastric reflux or a gall bladder attack, with incredible pain in my upper back and gut. It brought tears to my eyes and I could hardly breath, it was quite terrifying. Thankfully with the help of a heat pillow and a wonderful husband it eased after about half an hour. If it had lasted much longer I think I would have been heading to the hospital because it was very scary! My mum says she had similar when she was pregnant with my brother (I actually remember when she had it). The first time she had it that bad she thought she was having a heart attack, and now I can totally understand why. Here’s praying that it was a one-off, and I don’t have to go through that again!

I have three more weeks to go at school (including this week) and then two weeks holiday (during which I’ll be turning 25 and we’ll be going to Easterfest.. WOOHOO!!) and then that last week after the holidays and I’m done! It’s kind of intoxicating to think about having the rest of the year off!

I hope you’ve had a fabulous week too, I’d love to hear all about it!

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